Friday, April 18, 2014


I've been silent for the last month, working nonstop on my thesis! On Tuesday, I presented my research and defended my thesis, so it is now OFFICIAL! We're hiking the goddamn PCT. 

I bought a plane ticket yesterday from Buffalo, NY to LAX, CA for May 14th. We decided to skip forward on the trail a couple hundred miles, to avoid having to race the snow to the Canadian border. We'll return to complete the desert in the fall. We're still not completely sure where we're going to jump on trail, but we have four weeks to figure that out. FOUR WEEEKS FOUR WEEKKKS! This is finally starting to seem real.

I don't know how we will get from LAX to the trail, but that seems like the least of my issues right now. I need to order new Chacos! Start running (because NOW is the time to start training, right?)!