Section mileage: none
Montana is not on the Pacific Crest Trail. Just wanted to clarify that. Regardless, that's where we've been for the last week. Craig half-joked, "why don't we just jump on the Continental Divide Trail and finish on the Canadian border in Glacier?" A college friend of Craig's was getting hitched, and we were going to the wedding at Chico Hot Springs, a resort in south-central Montana. Problem was, the nearest car rental was in Yakima, a small city 50 miles from White Pass. So we woke up early and stood by the road with my cardboard sign, looking for a ride. Traffic was light, and most of the drivers were old. Not the most likely demographic to pick up hitchhikers... thirty minutes later, we were beginning to get discouraged. And then! an SUV did a U-turn and pulled up next to us. The middle aged man got out, saying "Are you guys seriously hitchhiking? Who the hell hitches anymore?"
Mineral pools |
He drove us into Yakima, telling us about his old adventures backpacking in the mountains. One of things that I love about hitching is how open people are in these situations. Maybe they're lonely, and that's why they pick me up in the first place. Or maybe it's just a form of anonymity: we will never see each other again, so why not tell me about your relationships, life, wishes, and past. Either way, I've had a lot of interesting conversations while hitching, and this was no exception.
Mudpots |
We bought wedding clothes at thrift stores and drove through the Idaho panhandle and into Montana. It was strange driving again; pushing down the gas pedal gave me a leg cramp, and being in city traffic gave me a minor panic attack. The next evening, we arrived at the resort. It's an old money establishment. A giant elk head watches over the lobby, and a maze of hallways plastered with good press lead to a pool fed by hot springs. We clean up nice; I dressed in a hot pink dress and Craig in a suit coat with a bolo tie. The nuptials were great, with a short AND sweet ceremony. A real highlight was when the happy couple realized that no one had brought the vows... which the bride had memorized and groom had not.
Mineral pools |
We took the circuitous route back to Washington, taking a detour to Yellowstone National Park. "It's a zoo," we'd been warned. We did a "best of" tour, popping out of the car to swim in the Boiling River, and "hike" to mineral pools, mud pots, and geysers. Even from the car, we managed to see prong horn antelope, bison, and elk. It's really like the North American version of a safari...
It was a wonderful week in big sky country, zooming at ungodly speeds over parched terrain I hope to backpack through some day soon (CDT anyone?). We ate off the dollar menu at all of the fast food restaurants, swam in not one but TWO hot springs, and stealth car camped. But the trail calls, and winter is coming soon! Tomorrow, we head north from White Pass.
Ole Faithful |
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